WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.330 --> 00:00:04.049 Hey behind 2 00:00:05.190 --> 00:00:08.460 In the content but today's really all about. 3 00:00:09.750 --> 00:00:25.080 An orientation to what this whole virtual instructional coaching is all about. And I think people are sort of trickling in here, I see a few and we wanted to just take the opportunity to let everybody introduce themselves because we know that front of an instrument or this person. 4 00:00:28.020 --> 00:00:41.730 Or someone may reside freezes over for dinner. Perfect generating and to support case he was driving leaders and we have a special interest in virtual coaching and then also 5 00:00:42.660 --> 00:00:49.560 Supporting communities of practice and Susie Myers, who will who will introduce yourself here in just a second is also 6 00:00:49.890 --> 00:01:01.080 A collaborator on this, but we run the community of practice for instructional coaches. So you know if anybody you know feel free to send them our way for that community of practice but Susie, I'll let you introduce yourself. 7 00:01:02.220 --> 00:01:16.080 Hi everyone I'm Susie Myers and I work with amber at the Center for Research on learning doing all the things she just talked about. So, um, yes. We are so glad that you're here and look forward to working with you in these communities of practice. 8 00:01:17.220 --> 00:01:21.750 And of course, Kim month is with us from case to eat. Can we all say hi. 9 00:01:24.240 --> 00:01:33.420 Hi everyone, I'm Kim. I'm the project director for the lake project and looking forward to having this group of people grow and big list this year. 10 00:01:34.530 --> 00:01:43.290 Yes, Kim keeps us very large ship of striving readers afloat. She's amazing. So we we worship her thank her very much 11 00:01:45.360 --> 00:01:54.600 And then of course we have Monique and Christy on the line, ladies, I will let you introduce yourself before we go into the, the participants. 12 00:01:55.710 --> 00:01:55.890 Oh, 13 00:01:56.940 --> 00:02:02.250 Hi there, I'm Christie's and cabbage and I'm the Vice President for communication for cancer cell foundation 14 00:02:03.660 --> 00:02:07.650 And I'm Monique Garcia and the community relations director for the Kansas. 15 00:02:09.990 --> 00:02:25.650 Okay. These ladies will be running your co op your community of practice this coming year. But before we go there, Jenny. I want you to say hello. Jenny is also from pasty she's amazing. She keeps us in line. Hello. Hello. 16 00:02:26.820 --> 00:02:32.970 Hello. So yes, I was trying to get my video to come on from it, but I've been outside all afternoon so 17 00:02:35.220 --> 00:02:35.970 Good right now. 18 00:02:38.340 --> 00:02:47.490 Alright, so the next person. Thank you Jenny on the next person on the list is Robin Anderson, Robin. Do you want to unmute and say hello. Tell us where you're from and what you do. 19 00:02:50.550 --> 00:03:01.770 Hello. Can you hear me. Yes, yes, I am Robin Anderson, as it says I to have been out all day. Um, I am working in Dodge City with 20 00:03:02.850 --> 00:03:10.440 The elementary people and just recently moved to dodge. So I'm excited to get information about the new 21 00:03:11.910 --> 00:03:15.690 Kind of families and things that we have here to try to get involved. 22 00:03:16.950 --> 00:03:18.840 Perfect. Excellent. Welcome. 23 00:03:20.100 --> 00:03:24.240 Okay, and then I see Nicole Prim, you want to unmute and say hello. 24 00:03:25.530 --> 00:03:40.170 Hello everyone, my name is Nicole Prim, I am the English learners program consultant here at KC d. So, Kim has so graciously invited me to sit in on these community of practice conversations 25 00:03:43.830 --> 00:03:49.140 And then I see a craft don't know your first name, so you'll have to unmute and tell us 26 00:03:51.930 --> 00:04:03.840 Oh. Hi, can you hear me, yes. Hi, my name is Elena craft, I am I had a little bit of volume trouble there a second ago. I am the elementary ESL teacher for 11 more school district. 27 00:04:06.210 --> 00:04:12.720 Very good. Welcome. So right now I think we have dodge Leavenworth, Casey. The hell foundation K you on the line. 28 00:04:13.890 --> 00:04:18.570 I know for certain that the Garden City person is coming just couldn't come this round. 29 00:04:18.840 --> 00:04:22.530 And I think there was a couple of green bush people that said something similar. So our 30 00:04:22.770 --> 00:04:33.360 Group will likely be intimate, but will be growing and also for those of you that are on. If you know of anybody else who would benefit from this community of practice. I think especially if you hear 31 00:04:33.660 --> 00:04:45.180 What money can Christy are going to share, you'll find that this is a really cool opportunity for us to bring people together from across the state. Who wouldn't otherwise be able to work, but who tend to reinvent the same wheels. 32 00:04:45.780 --> 00:05:04.800 And so we're really hopeful that by providing this co op on a monthly basis for just an hour that we're able to begin to really create that network that's going to help better bill capacity in the state, which is really the gist of the link striving meters project. 33 00:05:06.270 --> 00:05:15.900 Alright, so we've tested the mute. We know you all know how to do that. It appears that you also know that you can turn on and off your video because I don't see your pretty face but 34 00:05:16.890 --> 00:05:25.860 Just research says. So for today. We'll leave it this way. But for for future reference research tells us that being able to see each other's faces is actually really helpful. So 35 00:05:26.460 --> 00:05:37.290 It may be a norm, this group wants to adopt, I will not run your norms, though, but just for future reference. That's helpful. Sometimes there's Jenny. Okay, and then 36 00:05:38.490 --> 00:05:44.880 Just one other thing I want to make sure you know what he uses the chat function. So you all know to use mute and video. Hopefully that's that lower 37 00:05:45.450 --> 00:05:51.210 In my screen. Anyway, lower left hand corner. When you use your mouse over the top of the screen. But there's also 38 00:05:51.810 --> 00:05:58.680 Either under more or you might just see the word chat. You can pull up the chat window. And if you would just type in 39 00:05:59.130 --> 00:06:10.590 Your name and where you're from, so that we have that recorded in the chat function and then if it anytime you have a question, you can either privately message anyone in the group was online, but you can also 40 00:06:11.040 --> 00:06:22.980 Broadcast to everyone. A message by just using the drop down menu to decide who you want to send out to you. So I'm seeing a few people coming in. If you don't know how to use that chat function holler at me. 41 00:06:24.210 --> 00:06:24.870 Otherwise, 42 00:06:27.930 --> 00:06:30.210 Just make sure in my notes. I've got everything 43 00:06:32.580 --> 00:06:33.450 Yes. 44 00:06:34.470 --> 00:06:48.960 Alright so Monique and Christy. I think I can let you have the floor. I will mute myself until you need me. Okay. Very good. Thank you so much. And thank you for everyone who's on and or watching future 45 00:06:50.280 --> 00:06:57.780 We're going to kind of jump in and talk a little bit about us and amber has been good enough to advance our slides so 46 00:06:58.560 --> 00:07:10.650 Everyone, she's going to hop on to the next talk about our agenda, a little bit. We are really, really new at understanding zoom. So we're trying to figure it out of the same time so 47 00:07:12.180 --> 00:07:25.860 We'll, we'll try to get this figured out how we can run the run the PowerPoint or or share screen for the next time we'll, we'll try to get working on that. But how about if we go on to the agenda and look at what maybe we think we're going to talk about today. 48 00:07:29.310 --> 00:07:30.450 Are you not able to see it. 49 00:07:32.220 --> 00:07:44.370 We're still on just the main, main side see on my screen. You are moved on. So let me try, let me try something else here. Okay. Sorry about that. 50 00:07:47.010 --> 00:07:49.710 Okay, share screen. 51 00:07:52.590 --> 00:07:54.000 There we are. Okay. 52 00:07:55.380 --> 00:07:55.800 Awesome. 53 00:07:58.050 --> 00:08:09.090 And so you see we're really going to be kind of high level today, just a welcome to get to know each other a little bit better to think about our context of our community of practice in the state and 54 00:08:09.510 --> 00:08:21.570 Amber has shared a little bit before the others just so and we'll talk about those others that are in progress. And again, how you can help to be an ambassador to get others engaged in those 55 00:08:22.590 --> 00:08:42.780 Those meetings as well talk through our about our opportunities and expectations determine our format potential topics as we work through for these monthly meetings throughout the year and then just some reflections and insight and we are very open to ideas and to any, any suggestions. 56 00:08:43.860 --> 00:08:51.000 One of the things I never feel move on, we can show you. This is what we look like when we're not working really, really hard. 57 00:08:52.050 --> 00:08:57.060 As opposed to what you see on the screen where it's like, oh, it's like the day we don't like. 58 00:08:59.040 --> 00:09:08.670 But we really are not the experts on Literacy and Education and we know that we both have background in communications. 59 00:09:09.360 --> 00:09:19.710 And Monique has has traveled to several year communities already and has been making contacts with the school districts down there, because we have been working 60 00:09:20.340 --> 00:09:30.570 Really to promote literacy just within the last year or so. And if you'll jump on to our next screen. We hope that you've seen our 61 00:09:30.960 --> 00:09:35.430 Literacy Campaign that we launched earlier this this year that can't wait to read 62 00:09:35.820 --> 00:09:47.100 And part of the reason why the Kansas Health Foundation actually got into, you know, why is education a health topic is that for us. We saw so much of the health data that showed us 63 00:09:47.340 --> 00:09:53.280 That the higher levels of education. We could see better health outcomes. We knew that 64 00:09:53.970 --> 00:10:01.920 Individuals had a better opportunity to have better jobs which then they usually had better opportunities have access to care, they had 65 00:10:02.640 --> 00:10:08.970 Better healthier behaviors they tended to exercise more, so it seemed as we backed up and 66 00:10:09.360 --> 00:10:23.310 Just focusing on healthy behaviors. We said, let's go back to some of these roots social determinants and let's look at education and as we looked at education. We kept really pushing back to early, early, early 67 00:10:23.640 --> 00:10:35.340 Influence such literacy and just having parents spend time and the importance of them knowing how important is to spend time with their children looking at words having language having conversation. 68 00:10:35.760 --> 00:10:42.810 But again, we are not the literacy experts we are our part of our purpose with this campaign is was to 69 00:10:43.560 --> 00:10:59.910 Lift up the, the teachers and lift up the school districts and the education system to say, you know, this is all of our jobs to help our children successful and how do we help support busy working parents. How do we help support. 70 00:11:01.050 --> 00:11:07.650 In this case, dual language learners and understand there's a lot going on and what can we do to 71 00:11:07.980 --> 00:11:18.180 support teachers. It's not teachers jobs to teach children to read. It's all of our jobs, whether we're in business and need to get businesses, community members engaged. 72 00:11:18.450 --> 00:11:27.990 How do we use all of our community resources and assets to help parents and children so low background. They're kind of how we got into this 73 00:11:28.800 --> 00:11:40.410 And it's been fabulous and the the people from all all areas of our state and at all different levels have responded very positively. 74 00:11:40.890 --> 00:11:51.180 That people are appreciated appreciative of the simple and just the ways that we brought it to our attention to get it started. So again, that's the piece of 75 00:11:51.570 --> 00:11:58.740 I can't, I can't emphasize enough what how important it is for us to let you know that we're looking to also or from you. 76 00:11:59.070 --> 00:12:10.290 So we can help to say what can we do, what are your challenges. What opportunities do you see that we can continue to lift you up and to help maybe clear away some of those paths. 77 00:12:10.620 --> 00:12:17.730 Use resources that we have or other connections and really try to make this a partnership effort. 78 00:12:18.360 --> 00:12:26.280 So as much as you want to get out of the community of practice. There's things that we certainly are looking to gain your insight and your 79 00:12:27.090 --> 00:12:38.670 Your health as well. We get to know you. The next slide ampere just, again, we just would like to know a little bit about you beyond your school district picnic you share that 80 00:12:39.360 --> 00:12:47.040 Maybe to share with us something that your community is known for and or a great place to eat because that is part of our 81 00:12:48.000 --> 00:12:59.280 We like to get out across the state. And we like to find places to have little have a little lunch or have a little pie. I know it sounds like the kids health information they have high, but we do, we have 82 00:13:00.330 --> 00:13:03.420 I am super excited about these responses. FYI, so 83 00:13:05.250 --> 00:13:19.830 So tell us a little bit if you all would go through and share with the group, a little bit about you, your community, something your communities notice or someplace that any of us should stop in at eight and then one thing you hope to learn from the community of practice. 84 00:13:22.500 --> 00:13:30.180 I'll start just because I think I'm the top one on the video screen. This is Kim from chaos DD and 85 00:13:32.100 --> 00:13:40.260 Favorite places in Topeka PTS coffee, which is right by Washburn University and right around the corner from that as a great place called the burger bar. 86 00:13:40.860 --> 00:13:54.840 And which is also a great place. And what I'm really hoping to get from this community of practice for this day is the ability for you all to share some of the great things that I know you're already doing in your communities. 87 00:13:55.290 --> 00:14:04.170 And then to be able to collaborate with each other on some of those ideas and share some of the resources that I know that that you have with each other. 88 00:14:05.220 --> 00:14:13.050 So I think, you know, as we grow and gain more people. And I'm going to reach out to some of the people specifically that 89 00:14:13.710 --> 00:14:18.630 I've been working with in some of these schools. I think you all have a lot to share and and 90 00:14:19.440 --> 00:14:27.630 I want people across the state to know that that's what this group is for. It's not, you know, those that we feel like, oh boy, they really need help, but more instead of 91 00:14:27.960 --> 00:14:33.420 A way to collaborate with those of you that really are doing great things in your districts and want to share that with others. 92 00:14:39.990 --> 00:14:57.690 I can share. I actually live in Atchison which is part of the there's a Leavenworth Atchison Consortium for links so Allison, maybe a community that you would want to visit Christie and Monique 93 00:14:59.460 --> 00:15:07.680 And I can tell you we have several restaurants and one that has really good pies. Since you mentioned pie. 94 00:15:09.720 --> 00:15:21.810 Actually called Jerry's again. That's the whole name because it was Jerry's and then it went away for a while and it wasn't Gary, I love it came back and now it's Jerry's again. 95 00:15:24.030 --> 00:15:39.600 And so that's a really good place to get high. And then a here in town on a Friday night, Saturday night or Sunday morning. And there's this really great place restaurant that's out in the middle of nowhere in a barn called cedar ridge restaurant. 96 00:15:41.430 --> 00:15:52.500 And I hope to learn from this co op. I know that we thought really hard about this English learner focus and 97 00:15:54.510 --> 00:16:03.720 It's, it's the English learner population in the State of Kansas is quickly growing. And I think it's growing faster than 98 00:16:04.860 --> 00:16:12.990 That our professional learning about how to meet the needs of English learners and and how to reach out and 99 00:16:14.760 --> 00:16:16.350 And work with families. 100 00:16:17.670 --> 00:16:32.490 Who are dual language families or perhaps the children no two languages that the family does not. So I'm just really looking forward to in creasing my knowledge about how to best work with 101 00:16:33.960 --> 00:16:37.500 Families who speak more than one language and 102 00:16:39.510 --> 00:16:43.890 And then hopefully a lot of that will translate to just working with families in general. So 103 00:16:45.600 --> 00:16:45.960 Yeah. 104 00:16:47.850 --> 00:16:48.750 Thank you. 105 00:16:54.840 --> 00:17:00.930 Um, well, this is Nicole. I guess I could go actually don't live in Kansas actually live in Missouri, so 106 00:17:02.370 --> 00:17:06.630 I don't in my real little bit harder to tell you where to go. 107 00:17:07.650 --> 00:17:12.810 But there are tons of great little places in Kansas City. 108 00:17:14.640 --> 00:17:32.850 I actually like a place in Belton Missouri. It's called the tea room and they have all kinds of cute little sandwiches and salads and amazing desserts that are made in house and they're like, super, super moist. So built in a very 109 00:17:33.870 --> 00:17:35.970 The tea room. It's kind of what I would recommend 110 00:17:37.680 --> 00:17:44.070 One thing I'm hoping to learn. I guess I would just kind of echo what Susie said basically, how to be able to reach these families. 111 00:17:44.610 --> 00:17:54.360 But in this role, I would like to be able to share this information with others in the state because family engagement seems to be one of the hot topics that 112 00:17:54.900 --> 00:18:02.520 Is brought up constantly. And so I want to be able to, you know, invite them in eventually and shared this fabulous information with them. 113 00:18:04.500 --> 00:18:04.920 Thank you. 114 00:18:09.870 --> 00:18:13.260 Elena or not remember 115 00:18:14.280 --> 00:18:19.140 ROBIN ROBIN ROBIN. I can go and I'm just waiting my term patiently. 116 00:18:20.070 --> 00:18:37.470 And let's see. Dodge City is a great place for Mexican food. So if that's something that anybody's interested in. There's countless restaurants have great Mexican food all the way from the true, authentic. I'm not sure what I'm eating to 117 00:18:38.640 --> 00:18:40.560 Know Taco Bell so 118 00:18:41.610 --> 00:18:51.120 There's a very wide range there. We also are pretty excited. We just got a new drive through coffee scooters coffee. So that's kind of exciting because 119 00:18:52.410 --> 00:18:56.520 We have a red beard coffee house. That's really nice, but it's kind of 120 00:18:57.660 --> 00:19:08.490 Difficult parking, I guess you would say, so it's not one of those easy run in and get a cup of coffee on break kind of places. But this new drive through his really you know that that process up so 121 00:19:10.410 --> 00:19:23.460 Those are my recommendations for dodge I'm, what I'm hoping to get out of this group. And one of the things that we're working on, especially it's right at the front of my mind because this week is 122 00:19:24.930 --> 00:19:38.310 Cohort to work, working on the culturally responsive and just thinking about all of those different things. And so trying to figure out some ways to take the information that the 123 00:19:39.090 --> 00:19:47.400 Teachers are bringing some of their things that they're bringing conversations to the table, you know, what can we do for this. How can we help this or 124 00:19:48.630 --> 00:20:01.290 I didn't know this about particular students and then trying to join those things together with what link can do for the families and the community in general to kind of help bridge some of those gaps. 125 00:20:04.890 --> 00:20:05.340 Thank you. 126 00:20:06.750 --> 00:20:08.010 Elena, did you have anything 127 00:20:09.270 --> 00:20:15.030 Yeah, I'm this is my second year living in Leavenworth so 128 00:20:16.290 --> 00:20:36.030 I think the one of our favorite places to go eat. If you're ever this way is harbor lights coffeehouse they have amazing cheesecake and another place is Mary weathers, they have a really good. It's like a little lunch cafe and 129 00:20:37.530 --> 00:20:44.490 If you're our also we go to we traveled the Western a lot. They have really good barbecue at a place called 10 kitchen. 130 00:20:45.540 --> 00:20:46.920 And a nice little 131 00:20:48.030 --> 00:20:49.080 Nice little town. 132 00:20:50.400 --> 00:21:01.350 And I think one thing that I'm hoping to learn. Well, this is my second year being an ESL teacher and I love it. It's my favorite teaching job so far. 133 00:21:03.150 --> 00:21:10.770 But I think since I serve all five schools all five elementary schools in the district. I think the biggest thing for me is just 134 00:21:11.850 --> 00:21:21.150 Getting to know and learn different new strategies and ideas and just having people to collaborate with since it's kind of just me, myself and I 135 00:21:22.500 --> 00:21:22.830 So, 136 00:21:25.530 --> 00:21:25.920 Good. 137 00:21:28.050 --> 00:21:29.490 Well, I go fast. 138 00:21:32.940 --> 00:21:40.680 So I'm in Lawrence, and I would highly recommend ladybird cafe for lunches and pie. Amazing. They're known for their coconut cream pie. 139 00:21:42.150 --> 00:21:48.900 And then there's a new burger in town called field in IV, which is kind of a weird spot. IT'S OUT ON 23rd STREET NEAR Haskell. 140 00:21:49.380 --> 00:22:01.590 But it is a wonderful brewery, and I have yet to meet anything on their menu that isn't amazing and they bought like this kids player in the back. So they've just done a really nice job locally owned 141 00:22:02.670 --> 00:22:03.060 And then 142 00:22:04.200 --> 00:22:05.490 For the communities of practice. 143 00:22:07.110 --> 00:22:14.160 Susie and I are really, really interested in best practice for virtual communities of practice. So what you'll find is 144 00:22:15.240 --> 00:22:30.510 I I don't know a whole lot about the content either moaning and Christie but i i get real passionate about how best to run COPD and facilitate good conversation and collaboration. So that's what I'm that's exciting. 145 00:22:32.340 --> 00:22:49.380 Okay, it looks like we have some chats that have popped up on and off there. So that's good that folks are using that feature to. So as you can see I'm having Monique do the running of the technology on it on our end as well so 146 00:22:50.910 --> 00:22:52.350 No, good, good. 147 00:22:53.700 --> 00:22:57.720 If you yes the norms in our co op. I think a little bit that 148 00:22:58.170 --> 00:23:07.410 ambers looked at for us about the technology and the cameras and, you know, if you have a question or gamma comments in the chat. I think that works really well and 149 00:23:07.800 --> 00:23:17.010 And clearly the smaller group. I think we can just, you know, also jump right in. If you have a comment or something. So we don't miss that. 150 00:23:18.540 --> 00:23:22.620 And if you have anything that's of interest that you think to the group or 151 00:23:23.700 --> 00:23:40.170 Any articles and anything that you've heard that people have brought up here, you know, email it to us and we'll be happy to ship it out as well. So we get it into our Google Drive as well. So I think that's a really good place to put all of that information there but 152 00:23:41.430 --> 00:23:46.830 I think for the, the norms that as we look at and think about the cameras. 153 00:23:48.180 --> 00:23:55.500 At some point you all let us know if you're if it's a if it's a hindrance for you depending on what you're 154 00:23:56.880 --> 00:24:10.560 where you're at in your district or your classroom is that can be a problem. But I do agree with amber the morning, we can see who you are, that you can see us because hopefully that we might cross paths, even before we have our in person. So 155 00:24:11.340 --> 00:24:28.620 Let's think about that, maybe for the next feeding, you know, send us a chat if there's a reason or a hindrance of why you think that will work. But I think it'd be nice if we could get to the cameras for our next feeding as well. Our purpose. 156 00:24:30.150 --> 00:24:43.260 Again, is just to help those who are responsible for planning and implementing family outreach efforts to families of English language learners. We're here to share or looking at best. 157 00:24:43.650 --> 00:24:53.850 Practices. We want to hear more challenges. We want to hear what ideas you have, because I think that is the idea to to bring those ideas or those 158 00:24:54.420 --> 00:25:01.530 You know, even networking opportunities people we've run into in different communities or throughout the state have a we connect that 159 00:25:02.250 --> 00:25:15.180 I did like that you know when when it's like okay, I'm the only person. This is a way for you to say now these are other virtual people who can help me that I can now reach out to because I've got someone who does this every day so 160 00:25:15.690 --> 00:25:22.830 And I can't tell you enough about this. We're not the experts. So we're going to throw ideas out that 161 00:25:23.370 --> 00:25:32.370 We've come across and, more specifically, Monique because she has traveled quite a bit for us in the communities and Southwest, Kansas, we are 162 00:25:33.060 --> 00:25:49.470 About to launch kind of another phase, if you will, a targeted phase of our literacy effort specifically to dodge and garden and liberal because we do understand and we've seen the challenges with our even our initial 163 00:25:50.640 --> 00:25:58.650 Our initial campaign launch that the dual language learners and the cultural differences. And so we are going to be launching 164 00:25:59.370 --> 00:26:15.990 A another phase targeted to the Southwest. Southwest Kansas counties to really help to say how can we bring parents and engage parents and so we'll be sharing some of our many learnings from that effort as well over the next, you know, few months. 165 00:26:19.290 --> 00:26:29.490 The other leg communities of practice. These are ones that were glad you chose this one and you didn't choose there's but we feel like we need to let you know that they fit. 166 00:26:30.960 --> 00:26:47.370 The first one is with amber and Susie with the instructional coaching the adolescent literacy with Erica and then the early childhood with our partners in a secure God case over Kansas Sonic letters like center. 167 00:26:48.300 --> 00:26:56.940 So if you know folks that would be interested teachers that would be interested in notes. I'm sure that you can get with cam or amber Susie as well, and you're 168 00:26:57.300 --> 00:27:06.960 Connected or pass along week the specifics on the meeting times for them or even how to follow into the after watching the videos afterwards. 169 00:27:08.130 --> 00:27:13.890 Some of the possible formats and again this is up for discussion and we can you know try to try to meet 170 00:27:14.340 --> 00:27:23.640 everyone's needs on this is, you know, to sharing the articles and on the online resources to share your district experiences and models. 171 00:27:24.540 --> 00:27:33.750 Hearing from experts, if you can, you know, give a sense of what your either your challenges or what you would be interested in learning more about 172 00:27:33.930 --> 00:27:41.640 We're happy to help to find, you know, some folks that either within the state or in neighboring states or someplace else in the country. 173 00:27:41.910 --> 00:27:49.080 That could hop on and give us a different perspective, someone who's done something. And this, we're happy to track that down. 174 00:27:49.890 --> 00:28:04.500 If you all would like to identify a specific challenge that you have or something that you're seeking ideas and ways that then you can provide updates or others can, you know, ask you and find out more about 175 00:28:05.550 --> 00:28:13.320 How it's going or what else they can do to support you. That's one possible format. And again, if you will have other ideas so 176 00:28:14.100 --> 00:28:21.510 We're going to start like we did today with just throwing some some articles that we've found that were interesting to us. 177 00:28:21.960 --> 00:28:29.790 And we've come across a gazillion different things. And I think that's the challenge is to go just because it's interesting does doesn't mean that 178 00:28:30.210 --> 00:28:45.300 It's interesting to everyone. So always again looking for your ideas that you have articles you choose come across or things that have influenced your work that you think this would be really helpful for others to know about, then certainly share that along so 179 00:28:46.590 --> 00:28:59.340 But that's what we're thinking, Is there any, like, does any of that hit for you or is there something like no I don't, I don't care about that. Just give us some feedback. What do you, what do you think 180 00:29:15.810 --> 00:29:26.310 Okay. Well, think about it will keep going forward if something does YOU THINK ABOUT IT YOU WAKE UP TONIGHT. And you think of an idea, send it to us. 181 00:29:26.670 --> 00:29:36.420 About the middle of the night when it, when it works for you and we'll try to keep adjusting this to make sure that it adds value to be because that's certainly what we're trying to do. 182 00:29:37.770 --> 00:29:51.900 If we can jump to the next slide. I hope that you all had a chance to take a look at the dual language learner article that we attach and put in the Google Drive and I believe was sent out as well. It wasn't 183 00:29:52.920 --> 00:30:06.420 A whole lot of new information, but it was a to me. I thought it was a way to remind us of how as we've heard that how much this is going to grow this need for all of our school districts 184 00:30:07.470 --> 00:30:19.890 Over the over the years to come. And so I just asked, you know, what was your key takeaway, or even share with us a little bit about how many students are in your school or district. 185 00:30:20.310 --> 00:30:27.030 And talk to us a little bit about for dual language parent engagement or your biggest obstacle, so 186 00:30:27.450 --> 00:30:43.530 You don't have to answer all of them, but if you just jump in and you've had a chance to read the article. That's great. Give us your takeaway, or at least share with us a little bit more about what your district looks like from a dual language situation. 187 00:30:47.130 --> 00:30:55.320 I'll something first. And just my key takeaway from that article was essentially what Susie mentioned that, you know, as our population of 188 00:30:56.010 --> 00:31:10.560 Language learners and families grows in Kansas, we, you know, not only is that the right thing to do, but we don't have a choice, because that's, that's just the population that we have and we need to learn to be able to communicate with our families. 189 00:31:23.400 --> 00:31:25.080 I don't have a great answer for that. 190 00:31:27.120 --> 00:31:30.930 Like you, like you said, We're all the experts on them. 191 00:31:32.040 --> 00:31:51.390 It was really interesting. Now as I travel across the state and last fall, mostly last fall and spring, especially in Southwest Kansas in most of those small very rural communities told me that you know they went from about 70 to 80% 192 00:31:52.440 --> 00:32:05.280 rural families who had been in those areas for years and generations. And so as about 70 to 80% of those local families that have been there forever and you know 20 to 30% 193 00:32:05.880 --> 00:32:16.860 Migrant families or families have moved in from Mexico and other countries, and now it's almost the reverse. It's almost 70 to 80% families from 194 00:32:17.430 --> 00:32:30.120 And now, not just Mexico, many countries and, and, you know, only about 20 to 30% of those families that have been in those areas for generation after generation. So I just thought that was really interesting. 195 00:32:33.450 --> 00:32:41.790 This is a Monique From the foundation and just wanted to piggyback on what Kim said that also is a common 196 00:32:43.050 --> 00:33:03.780 Theme of what I've learned in my travels across the state, and in particular in southwest, Kansas, just as we all know that that the diversity there was, you know, in dog city Garden City, for instance, and even gone and liberal to significant Somali population Rahim government Muslim 197 00:33:04.830 --> 00:33:19.470 And so, not just with the Latino community event, you know, other ethnicities as well and how they are able to integrate, or maybe not integrate so well and how the school districts are, you know, trying to grapple with. 198 00:33:20.520 --> 00:33:29.940 You know, this may be students and these families. And of course, somebody mentioned, you know, culturally or cultural appropriate, you know, materials and how 199 00:33:31.710 --> 00:33:39.210 That you know the school district communicates with the families and you know their norms for their cultures and countries. And so it's fascinating and 200 00:33:40.710 --> 00:33:49.350 Yes, as quickly mentioned, we just look forward to learning more from from you all. And I jotted down each person. You know what they mentioned and 201 00:33:49.740 --> 00:33:57.930 Elena, I'd be eager to learn more as time goes on, as we have our communities of practice calls on your survey. 202 00:33:58.350 --> 00:34:14.010 Five elementary schools and I pluck what resonated with me is you know how your, your target goal and interest is to get to know and learn more of the strategies of each of those elementary is because, of course, they're all unique and different and uniquely different so 203 00:34:15.180 --> 00:34:16.620 Anyway, that's my two cents. 204 00:34:21.030 --> 00:34:33.000 And this is Nicole from case D. And what I've heard people expressed to me as far as their biggest obstacle with parent engagement is I guess just getting the parents to show up. 205 00:34:34.950 --> 00:34:38.520 But I think it's because of the work schedule or the transportation 206 00:34:40.170 --> 00:34:41.370 Just giving them. 207 00:34:42.420 --> 00:34:50.040 Alternatives the time that events are held if they're happening during the day. Well, they could be working or sleeping. 208 00:34:51.750 --> 00:35:03.540 And then if we're in places I guess like garden or DODGE THAT HAVE THE THE MEAT plants situation or the packing plants. Their shifts might be different so 209 00:35:04.020 --> 00:35:13.830 Just trying to figure out what is what's the right time. The best time, I guess, to be able to reach these families. And then, of course, all the different languages and just having 210 00:35:14.610 --> 00:35:31.500 People feel like they need to have an actual person a liaison there versus, you know, calling in to one of the phone lines and being able to get an actual, you know, interpreter or a translator, just depending on what it is that's needed 211 00:35:32.820 --> 00:35:33.660 So I just think people 212 00:35:35.070 --> 00:35:46.380 I think maybe are a little bit hesitant because they feel like, Oh my gosh, I don't know this language at all. And we don't have anybody but they might actually be able to use someone from the community as the resource right 213 00:35:50.040 --> 00:35:58.710 You know, it's one of the things is, as we started doing some of our research for our campaign as well when you when you said that about getting parents to show up and 214 00:35:58.950 --> 00:36:09.600 You know, again, we tend to put our filter that it's about, you know, it's important to us. You know, we're here and we think this is important and vital people do this so 215 00:36:09.810 --> 00:36:19.350 It's kind of that step back and have a have a different check about that culturally appropriate that just because we think it's important 216 00:36:20.130 --> 00:36:31.200 It may not be, you know, that may not be their norm that may not be it. So how to bridge and make that connection that, you know, to, to bring to bring folks along I guess if you will. 217 00:36:31.890 --> 00:36:43.770 Because we can't, we can't be upset because someone doesn't show up if they don't know that that's that's the norm or that's expected. So I think it is, it's a whole different 218 00:36:44.850 --> 00:36:48.000 A whole different filter for us to think about and think through, and 219 00:36:48.450 --> 00:37:04.500 And it's a lot of those very, very specific kind of edgy said those strategies and tactics. What do we do to meet folks where they are rather than reach out to us and so they've done, sir. That's some very good, interesting point, sir. 220 00:37:08.520 --> 00:37:13.890 Robin or Lena, do you have anything to share from the district perspective. 221 00:37:15.180 --> 00:37:23.070 Yeah. This is Robin. I was just gonna say I agree with her in her calls comment on the shift work and stuff, because we have done some 222 00:37:23.550 --> 00:37:32.820 Had some conversation about, you know, we generally think that we need to hold meetings or whatever at 530 or six o'clock because that's when most people get off work. 223 00:37:33.210 --> 00:37:43.410 But that's not true here that's not necessarily when most of our people get off work. And so we've done some looking and are continuing to try to do some things that would 224 00:37:44.490 --> 00:37:59.400 Partner with the plants and be able to provide some things that we want to for the families that are more when shift change happens or, you know, shortly after shift change happens instead of doing it. 225 00:38:00.120 --> 00:38:03.960 At the times that you would normally think would be appropriate. Because, like, she said. 226 00:38:04.410 --> 00:38:18.120 I believe one of the plants change shifts at like two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Well, parents are home asleep. By that time, then if you wait till six or seven o'clock in the evening to have some kind of an event so 227 00:38:19.380 --> 00:38:30.420 Just some thinking about that. And then also a comment that was brought up in our sessions this week that I thought was interesting was, you know, we tend to think that 228 00:38:31.530 --> 00:38:37.350 It's appropriate to, especially in the elementary is to try to build these kids up and be their 229 00:38:37.740 --> 00:38:51.540 Their own individuals and take care of themselves and responsibility. And so, you know, we asked the parents to drop them off at the door, and that's not necessarily how that culture works in some aspects, it's, it's 230 00:38:53.490 --> 00:39:03.150 Kind of maybe turning off the what we're trying to accomplish in in places like this where we're trying to create partnerships and we're trying to create 231 00:39:04.590 --> 00:39:13.530 Healthy communication. When we have you know that standard of just drop your kid off at the door, and that is going against what 232 00:39:14.730 --> 00:39:25.020 They feel they should do as a parent. And so we've we've automatically turned them off and I think just being aware of some of those things and helping our staff be aware of some of those things because 233 00:39:25.860 --> 00:39:37.500 You know, I don't think anybody meant anything bad by we want your children to be responsible drop them off at the door will take care of them. But at the same time it very well could have 234 00:39:39.150 --> 00:39:44.010 Damper a relationship that that we're not going to get back right 235 00:39:45.450 --> 00:39:45.630 Why 236 00:39:48.630 --> 00:39:59.400 Not piggyback on Robin I I feel like I'm I get most excited about strategies and ideas that 237 00:40:01.800 --> 00:40:02.910 That see 238 00:40:04.020 --> 00:40:04.740 This 239 00:40:06.000 --> 00:40:08.760 Population as part of their school community as 240 00:40:10.200 --> 00:40:16.890 You know, how can we leverage that for the benefit of all of our students and families, even those who aren't 241 00:40:18.240 --> 00:40:21.960 dual language learners or or bilingual 242 00:40:23.370 --> 00:40:26.670 You know, how can we engage parents in a way that's going to benefit. 243 00:40:28.200 --> 00:40:32.730 Not only their own children, but all children and then also 244 00:40:34.470 --> 00:40:39.540 Something a place that I hope we get to sooner rather than later is 245 00:40:40.980 --> 00:40:48.240 You know, it always bothered me a little bit that the that the grant language from the link grant initially said 246 00:40:50.730 --> 00:40:55.710 The way that it worded, you know, we want. We want to help students 247 00:40:56.730 --> 00:41:05.940 disadvantaged students including and students with disabilities students from economically diverse challenge backgrounds. 248 00:41:06.360 --> 00:41:26.850 And English learners and and we've had to sort of walk that back and say, we don't really believe that in Kansas being bilingual is an advantage. And so I get most excited when I hear ideas from districts that are really recognizing that and not really seeing 249 00:41:28.800 --> 00:41:42.540 bilingualism as a challenge, but as an advantage to so many students and figuring out ways to engage families that will really show. Look at how great our district is that we have this going on. 250 00:41:44.850 --> 00:41:50.280 I'm just going to associate ditto to that, you know, we have to change the mindset that 251 00:41:52.290 --> 00:42:02.280 Being an English language learner is a disadvantage because being bilingual is such an advantage. And we, we need to start putting things into that mindset. 252 00:42:06.180 --> 00:42:15.630 You know, this is Monique again just to piggyback on what Susie and Kim said, You know what, as communications people, as we all know, semantics that 253 00:42:16.710 --> 00:42:35.760 Can have a huge impact on how things are perceived and so absolutely couldn't agree more on how you know being a dual language learner. Absolutely. As an advantage and it is an asset but semantics can definitely change the lens on how to proceed. So yeah, great takeaway. 254 00:42:37.230 --> 00:42:47.550 I'd like to share kind of a 30,000 foot view. If I could last year the Kansas Health Foundation. We work with our partner at the Kansas Health Institute. 255 00:42:47.940 --> 00:42:57.780 And pulled together a demographics report for Kansas and it really was a look back at our state's population breakdown and in April forward. 256 00:42:58.200 --> 00:43:08.460 And one of the intent for us was to really to understand where the population of shifts that occurred. And then what is projected to occur over the next 50 years 257 00:43:08.700 --> 00:43:19.770 Because for us is that Health Foundation, you know, we think about if you will, just the health costs and health care, we know is such a significant cost for so many families. 258 00:43:20.520 --> 00:43:31.320 Whether they have to pay for health insurance or whether they do not have healthcare and then after pay your health, health insurance and then have to wait or for AVOID COSTLY health 259 00:43:31.800 --> 00:43:44.580 Care and so to understand the population and to look at whether it was my age, whether it was by region, whether it was five, the diversity of our population. It helped us to make some 260 00:43:44.850 --> 00:43:52.590 Connections of what has happened and what's likely to happen. So we can think about from a global perspective, a state perspective. 261 00:43:52.890 --> 00:44:05.610 What do we need to do to think about the potential challenges going forward. And so as we learned and not surprising. I mean, it's kind of one of those where it's like we did this report in the here's this aha, is that 262 00:44:05.970 --> 00:44:14.550 Kansas is getting older, that people are moving from rural to more urban or bigger areas and that 263 00:44:15.060 --> 00:44:25.110 We're becoming more diverse. So all of the things you said that, of course, the school districts are seeing a similar challenge, especially with a 264 00:44:25.890 --> 00:44:36.360 Lot of the influx to bigger districts to that are seeing a lot of a lot of diversity, but even the smaller districts to see that that change there as well. 265 00:44:36.690 --> 00:44:55.620 And so for for us is kind of that 30,000 foot view to is we're trying to jump back and forth to me. How do we do an interconnected boots on the ground within communities. But what are the messages and what is the information we can also take back and try to be a conduit to 266 00:44:56.700 --> 00:45:06.720 Policymakers to say as as Kim and Susie have both said how do we change the way we change the trajectory for Kansas City. 267 00:45:06.960 --> 00:45:12.480 Talk about that. Look at this focus on dual language Kansans 268 00:45:12.720 --> 00:45:24.420 And what an asset that could be for the state from an economic development perspective. So it's kind of getting people who are interested in talking about jobs and money and revenue and businesses. 269 00:45:24.720 --> 00:45:28.710 That this is why we also need to invest in education so 270 00:45:29.340 --> 00:45:43.470 I throw that out there as something that we, again, we think about, we kind of were ourselves out some days, thinking about the 30,000 foot view, but also the community because it's a role that we can help to play. 271 00:45:43.830 --> 00:45:48.780 To take your messages and your needs and how can we help you close out of so 272 00:45:49.950 --> 00:45:59.430 Just being in this community of practice has has given us that spark of a perspective, within the last week and a half. But I think we 273 00:46:00.450 --> 00:46:08.070 Are trying to think through as we look at the legislative session beginning the conversations with legislators, how can we help 274 00:46:08.670 --> 00:46:20.130 Legislators to think about their districts in their communities from that perspective when so yay you all for already giving us something that we can take back to help to burn so and us. 275 00:46:24.900 --> 00:46:38.790 Okay. Any other comments before we kind of jump on to looks like we've got maybe about 15 minutes left in our time. That's a lot it and just because we have time doesn't mean we need to use time but 276 00:46:40.170 --> 00:46:49.890 If there's no other comments here. We can talk through going forward. So I'll leave it open for a second to see if anybody has anything else to share 277 00:47:01.170 --> 00:47:12.720 Okay, for those in the districts. We're going to ask you to keep thinking about those challenges you have or questions you have anything that you can bring to us from the field is awesome. 278 00:47:14.010 --> 00:47:16.950 Because you you are there every day so 279 00:47:17.970 --> 00:47:22.650 One of the things that we propose, again, just keep us thinking and keep us looking 280 00:47:23.400 --> 00:47:32.100 We found an article and we'll put it in our Google Drive as well. But it's about engaging e LL families and 20 strategies for school leaders. 281 00:47:32.430 --> 00:47:39.150 And again, it's not a. It's not a hard read. It's a pretty quick read, but we think it's at least some ideas to 282 00:47:39.540 --> 00:47:49.140 Help you think about and for you, especially to share back with all of us how those might play out or Don playing out for work in your kitchen in your decent. I think that's what 283 00:47:49.740 --> 00:47:54.570 We're looking to find is, so we know what are those ideas of what are those opportunities. 284 00:47:55.410 --> 00:48:12.780 That you know we do this, but we do it a little bit different. Or here's how we here's how that plays out for us. So we will share that for you all to to look at it and think about, and for our next session that certainly looking for your ideas. Okay, for 285 00:48:13.860 --> 00:48:24.150 Your perspective on what should be for this computer valuable time with us cloud itself or send those ideas just depends. It doesn't the Google Drive to 286 00:48:27.150 --> 00:48:29.730 Who has Comments, questions. 287 00:48:33.870 --> 00:48:41.550 Okay, should install dodge and I just also keep sitting here thinking about 288 00:48:42.810 --> 00:48:49.560 The kids that I had last year because I did teach in a classroom last year and how exciting it was for the kids have 289 00:48:51.630 --> 00:48:59.550 Both the dual language learners and they're just English learners to hear about their differences and 290 00:49:00.390 --> 00:49:12.180 Like we talked about families and we talked about engaging the families that I think that one of the ways to get to some of those family members is through the kids. And so being aware that 291 00:49:13.620 --> 00:49:23.310 As those kids make friends and start learning about each other than that kind of pulls their family with them and makes them want to do things and they 292 00:49:24.120 --> 00:49:37.080 I had third graders and they were just a static to learn, like how the Spanish that their friends were talking was different than the English that they knew and how it was similar and how 293 00:49:37.710 --> 00:49:45.720 Smart, you would have to be to go back and forth and just just, you know, basic conversations like that. But I think that we 294 00:49:48.030 --> 00:49:57.690 Need to be aware, as we're thinking through some of these things that we're not just trying to get the parents, but that we can maybe get the parents through 295 00:49:58.710 --> 00:50:00.450 Some kid activities as well. 296 00:50:03.480 --> 00:50:04.200 Awesome. 297 00:50:08.040 --> 00:50:12.120 This is a Monique, I just want to give you all a shout out of Dodge just because I know 298 00:50:12.600 --> 00:50:19.650 This over the past summer, the examples of family engagement activities have developed city of late for granted in 299 00:50:19.980 --> 00:50:36.060 Terms of bringing the parents and the children to Wichita on the edge and send to the exploration place here in Wichita, and the cosmic spirit I can send those DAY ACTIVITY trips I know we're really helpful and was really cool to see. We were fortunate to meet 300 00:50:37.170 --> 00:50:47.220 The group that from DOJ you all brought a bus to which Todd to come to the central county zoo. And that was really cool. I know that for some of those kids. It was first time they were able to venture out 301 00:50:47.640 --> 00:50:54.210 Of Dodge City. And so that was a, you know, just hats off to what what's all happening in dodge and of course across 302 00:50:54.780 --> 00:51:11.790 The link consortium is just for the innovation and creativity and and just engaging you know granular level like Robin mentioned and learning about you know how these, you know, kids are, you know, able to know the conduit and to the parents. So thank you for sharing that often. 303 00:51:15.150 --> 00:51:20.700 You're welcome. Thank you for the Shoutout to they they had great success with those trips and 304 00:51:21.810 --> 00:51:25.830 Hoping to get those kinds of things, scheduled more wonderful 305 00:51:28.500 --> 00:51:29.250 There is a 306 00:51:30.540 --> 00:51:36.480 There's a, there's an opportunity and. So always think about this as well. And, you know, we think about the 307 00:51:37.530 --> 00:51:51.690 You know what, what, what is it that we bring from the Health Foundation to the discussions and and of course you know a lot of times people say, Do you have money, which sometimes we do. But the other part is that we also break 308 00:51:52.740 --> 00:52:00.630 Kind of a a bank of communication assets to the discussion as well. And so when you have 309 00:52:01.080 --> 00:52:10.170 These types of activities that are taking place within a school or if you see and say what we'd really like for people to be able to really see how does this work. 310 00:52:10.560 --> 00:52:17.910 You know, let us know those things and we can have that conversation and have those partnerships as well, because if we can leverage the 311 00:52:18.810 --> 00:52:29.250 Resources. We have drug communications and the Health Foundation to lift up and to showcase even those types of activities between the kids. We certainly 312 00:52:29.640 --> 00:52:35.700 Are more than willing to do that. We know how impactful. That is, and we've watched that. 313 00:52:36.450 --> 00:52:44.490 That when we communicate about things going on in Kansas schools, you know, we are, it goes out of the room. People love to see 314 00:52:44.790 --> 00:52:57.450 What's happening in our schools and they love to see their schools. And so again, if there's any way that we can serve as that resource to you all, you know, let us know because we would, we'd love to do that. We love to use our 315 00:52:58.890 --> 00:53:04.200 Our platform and our resources and talents on our team to help to make that happen. So 316 00:53:12.690 --> 00:53:17.490 Okay, I think we are. We're out of ideas for today. 317 00:53:18.630 --> 00:53:25.650 I'm sure I'll think of some more insight as the evening goes on, and then I'll have to remember to write them down so I can tell voting by tomorrow, but 318 00:53:27.570 --> 00:53:30.990 I just, I appreciate you all being part of this. 319 00:53:33.900 --> 00:53:38.490 Looks like we have a chat question from Nicole. 320 00:53:41.610 --> 00:53:44.730 Speak on the ESL webinars to share resources. 321 00:53:49.740 --> 00:53:52.440 Race talking about ones from KFC. 322 00:53:54.630 --> 00:54:14.850 Yes, that's what I'm talking about. I think that would also be helpful. Eventually, you know, after we've established this I think another way to reach the masses would be to share that and that's one way that we are connecting with the field is by having monthly webinars. Wonderful. 323 00:54:19.980 --> 00:54:31.770 Okay, I'm going to ask him and Susie and amber if there's anything else we need to do for today. We'll make sure that our, our next article gets put in the Google Drive that. Any other comments. 324 00:54:33.180 --> 00:54:35.910 This is great, I guess. Does everybody have access to the Google Drive. 325 00:54:37.980 --> 00:54:47.220 Robin, Nicole. You do, Jenny should be she's inviting everyone to the Google Drive as they sign up for the CEO piece so 326 00:54:47.640 --> 00:54:59.070 And when you get an invitation to a Google Drive. That is, to a folder which will have like the articles and things for everyone to read through each of these co pays and please let us know if anything's wonky with that because 327 00:54:59.700 --> 00:55:02.970 Things can be working with technology. Sometimes, let us know. 328 00:55:05.100 --> 00:55:15.480 And and please feel free to reach out to others who you think might be interested in this group as Nicole said, you know, there's different avenues to reach people and we want to make this a group that's effective for everybody. 329 00:55:20.190 --> 00:55:20.640 All right. 330 00:55:21.780 --> 00:55:27.060 Well, thank you all very much. I think we've got a meeting date already scheduled 331 00:55:28.590 --> 00:55:36.540 It's an October 15 I believe it is. And so we will be dropping things in the drive and then we'll talk to you again next month. 332 00:55:37.830 --> 00:55:40.710 Thank you so much. Thank you. All right, bye.